Okay... so Halloween was last week, but we thought it was necessary to post some pictures of us having fun on that night. I won a $50 gift certificate at school to CostumeCraze.com and used it to purchase a chicken suit.
I greatly underestimated the creepiness of the suit. Mallory had a cow costume and dressed up in that. We made a sign that read "EAT MOR CHIKIN" like the Chick-fil-A commercials for Mallory to wear.
We went to the dorms with Britt, Brad, Ty, and Trey. Good times. I think I made two kids cry by chasing them in my chicken suit. I even made Ty awfully afraid of me for a little bit. A lot of Asian people kept taking pictures of me at the dorms. They would say, "Look! A chicken! Doesn't he look yummy?" to their little kids... talk about creepy.
Afterwards, we met up with some friends and ate at Red Robin... a little tradition now since Mallory first realized how sexy I am at Red Robin on Halloween two years ago. Anyway, we all wore our costumes there and people continued to stare at me. I think some of them thought I was the actual "Red Robin", although I was yellow. A group of girls even asked to take a picture with me... kind of funny.
After dinner, the rest of the night was spent standing on dark street corners creepily staring down cars as they drove by. I must admit that it was probably very frightening. I even just quietly stared at people without saying one word and with little movement as they walked by. They usually would see me from afar, and when I did the staredown during the entire walkby, it was more than creepy.
Anyway... that was Halloween... and welcome to the People's Republic of America now that we have a socialist for our new president!
So today we went to the doctor. Mallory had an ultrasound. We're going to have a little... wait for it... actually, just look for yourself.
Yep. It's going to be a boy. Below are some more ultrasound pics/videos for you.
The doctor told us that everything is normal... even the thumbs! He is on the bigger side right now (as if you couldn't tell). We are excited! If you have suggestions for names, please leave them in the comments.
Last Thursday, we went to Thanksgiving Point with Jon and Bre and Zach and Deena. It's the time of year when they have the Cornbelly's corn maze and other activities there. They had an inflatable dragon looking thing that we walked through. It was supposed to be scary, but it was just dark. There were also pig races, a really lame corn maze that was supposed to look like David Archuleta (probably the worst corn maze I've ever been to), a bouncy pillow, some four-wheeler karts, and a really large chair. Below are some pictures.
I managed to lose my wedding ring on the bouncy pillow. I didn't realize it until the next day and we went back, but couldn't find it. However, three days later they called me saying they had found it. We were excited to have it back. The funny thing is Mallory had lost her wedding ring the week before in our bathroom. It somehow fell through a tiny gap between the bottom of our cabinets and the base board. I had to bust the base boards in half with a hammer just to see if the ring was under the cabinets. Luckily it was. Anyway, I was making fun of her for losing it... I guess Karma rings true.
As the summer comes to a close we would like to share some of the fun activities that we did that really weren't cool enough to post about. Actually, they were cool, but we just didn't get around to writing about it. Here's a recap.
A rainy spring day on campus. The trees were starting to bloom and kind of looked like palm trees.
Bridal Veil Falls
Laughing as the Mexicans try to make their way up to the falls one Sunday afternoon.
A pool that I completely wish was in our yard all summer.
Early morning hot balloners
Our vacation in McCall
Sleeping on the X-15
Grotto Falls through the Nebo Loop in Payson, Utah.
My nipples...
... are freezing!!
Steven gets his mission call!
Opening it...
... and the look that he knew he had made fun of too many Mexicans during his life. Payback will be a bitch! Just kidding.
On the set of the BYU football commercial - to be seen on an ESPN channel near Provo.
My totally sweet haircut that was not cut by Mallory.
A bunch of Kenyan kids singing during the tailgate party before the BYU/Northern Iowa football game. They were really pretty awesome!
A spare football helmet I found at the stadium while prepping for the UCLA game.
Drew and I head butting with the helmets on... ... may explain my slight retardedness... but has nothing to do with my thumbs!
Yeah... just another helmet.
Apparently Mallory likes to try on football/baseball equipment too!!
The Presidents Loge at Lavell Edwards Stadium
Cecil's view.
Finally, it was my birthday last Sunday, Sept. 7th. I hit one of the last milestones ever in my life. I turned a quarter-century old and am now fully eligible to rent a car (without paying extra fees). Anyway, Mallory kept asking me what I wanted to do for my birthday, and since it was on a Sunday I didn't really care. She kept coming up with ideas and what not and finally we decided that I would have some friends over for cake and ice cream. Anyway, Mallory told me that it would be lame because she has this misconception that I don't have any friends. Well... just because she never sees them doesn't mean I don't have friends. Therefore, I had to prove to her that I have more than "3 friends" as she previously thought. I invited them over to prove her otherwise. We ended up having 17 people over and we played Rock Band and had some awesome "Better Than Sex" cake that Mallory made. In all, it was a lot of fun and now Mallory knows that I'm not such a loser. Here's a partial team picture of the event:
For those of you who didn't know and for those of you requesting more posts ... here is some news: Mallory is pregnant! Yep ... I knocked her up! She will be 13 weeks tomorrow. Notice the little widget we added. You can click on it to see all the various dates. We are super excited and can't wait to meet the new creature. (We're not quite sure it's human yet!) Last Tuesday we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was really exciting and made it a bit more real for me.
We have already started to brainstorm on names, although nothing is serious yet. We'll find out at the end of October whether she will have a boy or a girl or a mixture of the two or a seamonkey. We will get serious about the naming situation then.
For the meantime, we have posted a poll that we would like all readers to try out. We want to know whether you all think she is going to have a boy or a girl. I would add in seamonkey, but I have a feeling that everyone would pick that one instead. Therefore, no seamonkey choice. We may add another poll in the future discussing names, but I should probably get the Boss' permission first.
As for the rest of the things going on in our lives - school just started again. We had a two and a half week break from the summer semester. We both are getting really close to graduating. Mallory is taking six classes this semester and I am taking five. Once we finish we each just have two classes left to cruise through until graduation in April.
I started doing some work with BYU Athletic Marketing this summer. It has been a lot of fun. I work a lot with the football team and the womens soccer team right now. In July, I helped out with the filming and script writing of two football commercials. Right now we are doing a lot with local businesses and trying to get them to help out with promoting BYU Athletics.
Mallory got a job working at Utah Valley Hospital over the summer. She is the secretary of the operating room. She is in a love and hate relationship with her job. She likes the fact that she can watch cool surgeries whenever she wants, however, she doesn't really like working long hours a few days of the week. She misses her hubby too much!
Finally, I went golfing last week at Hobble Creek and got an eagle on hole 7. Actually, it was a birdie because I hit my tee shot OB and had to hit a provisionary ball. But, on my next shot I knocked it in from 160 yards out! Not bad. A guy that my brother-in-law, Brad, knows was golfing with us. He's trying to get on the Nationwide Tour and was pretty impressed. Oh, how the golf gods love me!
Anyway, sorry for no pics. We will try to update this more often and with pics of Mallory's tummy!
Yes! I did get a hole-in-one this weekend. However, you need to scroll down to read more about it.
This weekend was a lot of fun. On Friday morning Mallory and I watched the Independence Day parade that was a block away from us on University Avenue. It was actually pretty gay. We couldn't quite understand why it was such a big deal and how come so many people were watching it. We just aren't parade type people. The Orem LDS Institute had a float in the parade, which we thought was rather strange. It was actually the lamest float I have ever seen. A bunch of ugly people were on it singing church hymns (very poorly or rather butchering them). The float also had typical "happy valley" signs such as "Detour for Mission", "Stop for Class", "Yield to Commitment", and "Merge for Marriage". Mind you these were large street signs too.
After the parade, Mallory and I headed up to Park City to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. We stayed at the Hotel Park City. It is a really nice hotel. According to www.lhw.com (The Leading Hotels of the World) it is the nicest hotel in Utah. We kind of felt a little out of place as we would park next to a Ferrari every night. However, I must say that I have never seen such great service at a hotel.
Here's a video tour of our room.
When we first got to Park City we went to Olympic Park and went through the ski museum there.
Oh no! That skier is about to land on me!
Then we went up to Main Street and saw part of a rugby game that was going on during some festival where everyone was drunk. It was pretty fun.
Check out that old man's determined look and his mustache! (Click to enlarge).
After we checked in, we hung out by the pool for a couple of hours. It was really nice. The weather was perfect for it.
I golfed a couple holes as well since the twilight rate at 7pm is only $8 when the green fees are usually $57. Once it got dark there was a fireworks display at Park City Ski Resort. We had an excellent view as we snuggled on the patio to our room. Supposedly, it was a better fireworks show than the "Stadium of Fire" at LaVell Edwards Stadium in Provo. However, this year Miley Cyrus, Blue Man Group, and Glen Beck (whom we saw during the parade) performed at the "Stadium of Fire". Besides, the only time I saw the fireworks at the stadium was when I was in the MTC, so I can't really judge.
Saturday morning we worked out in the gym at the hotel. Afterwards we went to Park City Olympic Park to watch the "Flying Ace All-Stars Freestyle Skiing Show". It was a really cool show. They really launch off of the 14 foot kicker. We even saw Picabo Street there. She was sitting right in front of us the entire time.
Later in the afternoon we chilled by the pool some more. I think I got rid of (a little bit) my funky farmer's tan lines.
Then, came some more golfing. Mallory and I hit the course around 6pm to play the back nine. She was the cart driver and part-time caddy. There were two other golfers with us (one with a super drunk girlfriend who peed on the course - we saw her bum - it was gross). Anyway, I played pretty crappy the entire time. However, on the 17th hole par-3 I scored a hole-in-one. It was a 188 yard hole. There was a nice tail wind and I just stepped up there with my 5-iron and took a nice, easy, controlled swing. At first, I didn't think it went in. The sun was behind the hole and the ball disappeared as soon as I saw it hit the front of the green. The other two guys said they saw it roll towards the hole and thought it had gone in. One guy drove his cart to the hole and didn't see my ball on the green, so he ran up to the hole and sure enough, my ball was in it. I started freaking out and yelling, cause I was so excited. The golfers on the 16th green started clapping and congratulating me. There were even some little girls that were watching and asked if it had gone in. It was pretty sweet... completely made up for the way I was playing earlier (I ended up nine over par).
Anyway, I think I am going to put the ball in a glass case along with my score card. I retired the ball as soon as I took it out of the hole. It still has a blade of grass and some dirt on it.
Sunday, we went to Park City Ski Resort before heading home and took a ride on the alpine slide and the alpine coaster. Mallory beat me down the slide. She had a faster kart and even caught some air on a couple of jumps. What she doesn't know is that I let her win. The coaster is always really fun. However, Mallory had a woman with a little child in front of her and she ended up having to brake to avoid hitting them. Little kids should not go on the coaster, because they all end up crying the entire way down and the parents go slow.
Our anniversary weekend was a lot of fun. We can't wait for the next one.
Logan and Mallory are one hot couple from Boise, Idaho. We have the cutest little son, Nixon. Logan works for a marketing company that is making The Blue magazine for Boise State Athletics. Although we both went to the same high school, we didn't get to know each other until we lived close to one another in Provo. After being friends for over a year, we tried to set our roommates up together on a date and ended up falling in love with one another. We were married on July 7, 2007 in Boise. We enjoy traveling, visiting with family, playing sports, watching movies, and Boise State Football. We love reading the blogs of our friends and members of our family.