Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Mallory's baking a little...

So today we went to the doctor. Mallory had an ultrasound. We're going to have a little... wait for it... actually, just look for yourself.

Yep. It's going to be a boy. Below are some more ultrasound pics/videos for you.

The doctor told us that everything is normal... even the thumbs! He is on the bigger side right now (as if you couldn't tell). We are excited! If you have suggestions for names, please leave them in the comments.


Deena Taylor said...

HURRAY!!!! Congratulations you guys!! And hurray for "Nixon's" huge penis!! Wahoo. We love you guys. Hurray for healthy babies. Can't wait to see him!

Marcus said...

Oh boy, oh boy! Congratulations! Another Logan running around. Not sure if the world is ready for that. Now we didn't really see a close up on those thumbs. You sure they're ok?? Can't wait to see you guys.

Ana Lee said...

You're having a baby!? Congratulations!