On Friday we went to the doctor's office for a checkup and Dr. Bean decided that he wanted to induce Mallory the next day. So, at 6:40 a.m. on Saturday, the hospital called us and told us to come in. They began inducing her around 10 a.m. She got the epidural just before noon when she was dilated to a 4. Two hours later she was fully dilated and soon thereafter she began to push. Forty minutes later, at 3:11 p.m. little Nixon was welcomed to the world and I cut the umbilical cord. He weighed in a 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 19 inches long. He had some respiratory problems for the first little bit, but has managed to become a very healthy boy.
Mallory did a great job. She's a champ. She didn't seem like giving birth was very tough at all. She said it was easier than she expected it to be. However, she is definitely feeling the effects of it today. :( She said that no one ever tells you about the pain the day after you give birth. You always hear about the screaming and pain during the birthing process, but the next day is rarely mentioned.
Anyway, I love Mallory very much. Seeing the whole process just blew my mind and added a whole new dimension of love. Little Nixon is much cuter than I imagined ;) But he is a very tired boy and just wants to do nothing but sleep. He's so tender and I love him to death. Here are some pictures so you can love him too!