For those of you who didn't know and for those of you requesting more posts ... here is some news: Mallory is pregnant! Yep ... I knocked her up! She will be 13 weeks tomorrow. Notice the little widget we added. You can click on it to see all the various dates. We are super excited and can't wait to meet the new creature. (We're not quite sure it's human yet!) Last Tuesday we got to hear the heartbeat for the first time. It was really exciting and made it a bit more real for me.
We have already started to brainstorm on names, although nothing is serious yet. We'll find out at the end of October whether she will have a boy or a girl or a mixture of the two or a seamonkey. We will get serious about the naming situation then.
For the meantime, we have posted a poll that we would like all readers to try out. We want to know whether you all think she is going to have a boy or a girl. I would add in seamonkey, but I have a feeling that everyone would pick that one instead. Therefore, no seamonkey choice. We may add another poll in the future discussing names, but I should probably get the Boss' permission first.
As for the rest of the things going on in our lives - school just started again. We had a two and a half week break from the summer semester. We both are getting really close to graduating. Mallory is taking six classes this semester and I am taking five. Once we finish we each just have two classes left to cruise through until graduation in April.
I started doing some work with BYU Athletic Marketing this summer. It has been a lot of fun. I work a lot with the football team and the womens soccer team right now. In July, I helped out with the filming and script writing of two football commercials. Right now we are doing a lot with local businesses and trying to get them to help out with promoting BYU Athletics.
Mallory got a job working at Utah Valley Hospital over the summer. She is the secretary of the operating room. She is in a love and hate relationship with her job. She likes the fact that she can watch cool surgeries whenever she wants, however, she doesn't really like working long hours a few days of the week. She misses her hubby too much!
Finally, I went golfing last week at Hobble Creek and got an eagle on hole 7. Actually, it was a birdie because I hit my tee shot OB and had to hit a provisionary ball. But, on my next shot I knocked it in from 160 yards out! Not bad. A guy that my brother-in-law, Brad, knows was golfing with us. He's trying to get on the Nationwide Tour and was pretty impressed. Oh, how the golf gods love me!
Anyway, sorry for no pics. We will try to update this more often and with pics of Mallory's tummy!