Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Greatest Uncle Ever... or Satan?

It's no secret that I am probably, without a doubt, the favorite uncle amongst the nieces and nephews. I don't want to brag for the sake of making the other uncles jealous, but the kids pretty much love me and think that I am the coolest thing ever... I don't blame them. However, the question is why? Is it because I play with them the most? Or that I'm the most immature? Or that they enjoy the fun tricks I teach them such as "Pull my finger"?

Well, it's probably all of the above. However, I don't think that my siblings enjoy trying to reverse the things I teach their kids. Oh well. What can you do? The following pictures are for Marcus Lowry, so he understands the next couple of challenges he might face. Sorry!

Mexican knife fighting with Luke

Teaching Luke how to blow bubbles. I think he mastered it.


Alicia L. said...

Yep. Lucas was making a mess in his orange julius this morning. Ellie had a straw in her's, so or course Lucas had to have a straw too. I should get smart and just ban straws all together.

And why does Lucas still want to fly around in my laundry basket? Which he successfully emptied out all over the floor before he climbed in...

Unknown said...

Just wait till you have kids....