Soon after Mallory and I became engaged to one another, we had to go to Kathryn Albertson Park to have our engagement pictures taken. That day was the last time I shaved for quite some time. In fact, I grew a beard for about 6 weeks. It was beautiful, and I was smokin' hot with it. But, things were about to happen, like Mallory going through the temple, and I decided I would shave it off. So, here are some pictures of my sexy beard for your enjoyment.

Oh yeah...and my super sexy beard!

Busted You!!

What collection of pictures wouldn't be complete without the White Trash pics?

Oh yeah...and my super sexy beard!
Busted You!!
What collection of pictures wouldn't be complete without the White Trash pics?
Ellie says that you look like a hairy monster and that you have some funny faces.
Hairy monster is right. You look like you should be walking around at the Western Idaho Fair....or maybe one of the carneys. Scary!
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