Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Okay... so Halloween was last week, but we thought it was necessary to post some pictures of us having fun on that night. I won a $50 gift certificate at school to and used it to purchase a chicken suit.

I greatly underestimated the creepiness of the suit. Mallory had a cow costume and dressed up in that. We made a sign that read "EAT MOR CHIKIN" like the Chick-fil-A commercials for Mallory to wear.

We went to the dorms with Britt, Brad, Ty, and Trey. Good times. I think I made two kids cry by chasing them in my chicken suit. I even made Ty awfully afraid of me for a little bit. A lot of Asian people kept taking pictures of me at the dorms. They would say, "Look! A chicken! Doesn't he look yummy?" to their little kids... talk about creepy.

Afterwards, we met up with some friends and ate at Red Robin... a little tradition now since Mallory first realized how sexy I am at Red Robin on Halloween two years ago. Anyway, we all wore our costumes there and people continued to stare at me. I think some of them thought I was the actual "Red Robin", although I was yellow. A group of girls even asked to take a picture with me... kind of funny.

After dinner, the rest of the night was spent standing on dark street corners creepily staring down cars as they drove by. I must admit that it was probably very frightening. I even just quietly stared at people without saying one word and with little movement as they walked by. They usually would see me from afar, and when I did the staredown during the entire walkby, it was more than creepy.

Anyway... that was Halloween... and welcome to the People's Republic of America now that we have a socialist for our new president!